Thursday, February 28, 2008

Funny stuff

i chuckled

Face = Melted

I'm going to have to spend the rest of the morning cleaning my keyboard.

Ghost Jam from 7-6-98

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bon Iver

Digging it...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Salt & Samovar

Better than your average indie band from NYC...

Salt&Samovar MySpace

Caught these guys at the Bowery Ballroom a couple of weeks ago, and I still can't get this song out of my head. I'm not sure what exactly to compare it to, but I like it.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Music's Only Outlaw...

I had the pleasure to check out one of my favorite up and coming bands last weekend at Baggot Inn in NYC: Yarn. They play a tasty mix of alt-country, bluegrass, folk and jamband. If they were a food they'd be meatloaf (speaking of which, my girlfriend just dedicated some space to this misunderstood and underappreciated food here: the Meetloaferie - where people come to meet and loaf!).

They play a tune that is the lovechild of Eyes of the World, called "Music's Only Outlaw." Led by Blake Christiana's kickass vocals (sweeter than Lyle Lovett) and Andrew Hendryx's sick electric mando skills, this tune has been stuck in my head for the last couple of weeks...

Music's Only Outlaw - Live from Kenny's Castaways - NYC 6/25/07

February 08 - Side One, Track One

Who knew she could sing too? Overlooking her duet with Will Ferrell in Elf, I had no clue that Zooey Deschanel could do anything other than play the misunderstood waifish "every-girl" in indie movies (once again, Elf aside). Well, I recently heard the single from her debut effort with M. Ward - She & Him: Volume 1. Based on what I've heard, I cannot wait for Volume 2. Her voice and sound is a complete throwback (without sounding like karaoke night) to Joni Mitchell and the Zombies.

I haven't stopped listening to this since I found it here:

She & Him: Why Stay Here?

Definitely will be adding them to the bands I need to see in 08.